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Pride and Prejudice Musical

So great. Will watch again and again. My favorite part is the little additions of side remarks and backhanded humor we all say to ourselves as a reader when we are reading the book. Well written and well done.

Celebrating my love for 1700s chick lit!!!

Smart and pretty go together…read ladies!!!!

Edith Gaskell humor

A woman knows where her heart is even when denied. -Edith Gaskell knows her stuff, ladies!!!!

Edith Gaskell quoted. Or rather, her world.

This quote tends to carry over in many of her books. I feel this relates to many in the world, be it love, hate, or just plain conversation with others.

Swoon worthy read ladies! Teen girls who love Sparks and Green…give Gaskell a peek.

Oh, by the way, I am posting this on my birthday in hopes to inspire young ladies to read those books that inspired others. I know they “re-inspire” me each time I revisit them.

Edith Wharton advice-no matter how…spread your light and make a mark on the world

Snow days in the south are awesome!

All About the Love
