Blog Archives

Resolutions for the new year–nah…I’m perfect the way I am.


New Year Resolution for the tube-#26


I will watch every 80’s and 90’s favorite I loved from start to finish.  Hmm!  Well, while skipping the shows I hating in each season.

To read–New Year Resolution #27


I will read every Bradbury and Poe story I can get my hands on (net) before the year ends.

It’s officially a goal!  And I’ve read many already.


Comic fun-My New Year Humor # 23


Good changes for the new year. #21


When you don’t need a New Year’s Resolution- Humor #20


Changed my mind about my resolution…#18


I’ve been going about this all wrong.  COFFEE is the key to success!

New Year Funnies-Donut fun! #16


New Year List of what not to do–#15


  1. bath the dog that ate your fiance’s blueberry pie off her plate while standing idly in your parents kitchen-this happened to me
  2. hang out with zombies–for it could happen, folks!
  3. buy canned foods that have labels that list “unknown source”
  4. wear these ridiculous emoji clothes with little brown plops of poop on them–I have a student who wears this weekly
  5. make your much needed coffee in the break room during the Christmas party–someone will take it mistakenly thinking it was part of the goods

Okay, I know. I should start making that list…
